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Home Care for Dengue Patients.

Home Care for Dengue Patients.

Dengue Patients Care.


Home care for dengue patients focuses on managing symptoms and preventing complications, as there is no specific antiviral treatment for dengue. If you or someone at home is diagnosed with dengue, here are key guidelines for care:

Key Guidelines:

1. Hydration

Remain Hydrated

- Critical Importance: Dengue can cause dehydration due to high fever and vomiting.

- What to Do: Encourage drinking fluids like water, oral rehydration solutions (ORS), coconut water, soup, or electrolyte drinks.

- Avoid: Avoid sugary and caffeinated drinks as they can worsen dehydration.

মানব শরীরে ক্যালসিয়ামের (Calcium) ঘাটতি কিভাবে পূরণ করা যায়?

2. Fever Management


- Use Paracetamol: Acetaminophen (paracetamol) is the safest option to reduce fever and relieve pain.

- Avoid NSAIDs: Avoid aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen as they can increase the risk of bleeding, which is a serious complication of dengue.

- Cool Compresses: Apply cool cloths or sponging to lower body temperature.

3. Rest


- Ensure the patient gets plenty of rest. The body needs energy to fight the infection and recover.

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4. Monitor for Warning Signs

dengue patient monitor warning sign

Seek immediate medical attention if the following occur:

- Severe abdominal pain or tenderness

- Persistent vomiting

- Bleeding gums or nosebleeds

- Blood in vomit or stool

- Difficulty breathing or rapid breathing

- Fatigue or irritability (which can signal shock)

- Cold, clammy skin

- Keep an eye on the patient’s condition frequently, especially during the critical period of 3-7 days after symptoms start.

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5. Nutrition

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- Light, nutritious meals should be given to support the immune system.

- Soft foods like porridge, soup, and fruits are recommended if the patient has nausea or lacks appetite.

6. Mosquito Prevention

Mosquito Prevention

- Prevent further bites by ensuring the patient sleeps under a mosquito net or in a room with good screens.

- Apply mosquito repellents on exposed skin and use insecticide-treated bed nets.

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7. Follow Medical Advice

Comprehensive Medical History

- Continue following up with the healthcare provider. Platelet levels and hydration status may need regular monitoring to prevent complications.

Most patients with mild dengue can recover well with home care. However, prompt hospitalization is crucial if any signs of severe dengue develop.

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