Symptoms, prevention, treatment, and diagnosis of hepatitis B
Hepatitis B is a liver infection that can taint the human body. Be that as it may, there is no limit to the interest by the way it causes sickness, how destructive it is, and how to dispose of it. This disease is more common in children. Before knowing about this very important matter, let us say one thing Hepatitis C virus is more dangerous than B virus. Dangerous because no vaccine has been developed and it is more chronic than B. Therefore, remedies are more important than prevention. Both viruses are transmitted in the same way. So, keep in mind the causes when discussing the hepatitis B virus.

Hepatitis B symptoms, prevention, treatment, and diagnosis Methods
- Inactive carrier whose viral DNA is less than 2000 IU/ml or negative.
- Active carrier whose viral DNA is more than 2000 IU/ml.
How does hepatitis B spread?
- Through blood and body fluids. Such as men's semen and women's vaginal secretions.
- Congenital transmission (mother to child)
Some risk factors
- Transfer of blood from one body to another (with an infected person).
- Dialysis, acupuncture, tattooing, injecting drugs, sharing razors or toothbrushes (with an infected person)
- Traveling to cities or countries where the disease is common.
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Common misconceptions
There are some common misconceptions about hepatitis B. So, it's great to understand how to keep it from spreading. Holding hands, drinking water from the same glass, coughing, hugging, kissing, sneezing, feeding the baby.
Hepatitis B prevention
Hepatitis B is about 50 to 100 times more contagious than AIDS. So be aware of resistance.

There are 4 vaccines. The first three are one month apart. The last one should be taken one year after the first one. Must check if you are already positive before taking it. You can take this test. If positive, there is no benefit to you from vaccination. And if you are negative then you can take it and your body will make antibodies against it. It is effective in 95% of cases and more in children.
- Always be clean
- Do not use things used by others.
- Do not take drugs.
- Get the vaccine.
- Use of sterile instruments in dental treatment.
- It can be easily passed from mother to child, so prenatal check-up is very important. If the mother is vaccinated or if the father is immune, there is no problem. If the mother has hepatitis, the vaccine and immunoglobulin should be given within 12 hours of birth. If the mother is an inactive carrier, the child is less likely to get hepatitis.
- Syringes, and needles brought to the hospital for treatment should only be used by one person. Dispose of after use.
- Abstain from illicit sex.
- Testing before taking or donating blood.
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- A third of people have no symptoms after infection.
- Those who have an acute infection have acute viral hepatitis. The symptoms of which are vomiting, nausea, fever, headache, loss of appetite, yellow urine, diarrhea, etc. Body itching is seen as an important symptom of all hepatitis. Up to a third of people may experience these symptoms.
- The remaining one-third have some symptoms similar to the flu virus. For example - headache, chills, and fever. Most people get better after this happens. Very few people lose their liver. Studies have shown that hepatitis B infection in the blood doesn't imply that everybody will be contaminated. Again 90 to 95 percent of people get better from acute. But almost 90% of children under 5 years have chronic or long-term infections. Therefore, the hepatitis B virus is a threat to children. Only 1-4% of adults develop chronic infection. Others might create hepatocellular carcinoma, liver malignant growth, liver cirrhosis, or annihilation of liver cells.
Ways to diagnose hepatitis B

Hepatitis B surface antigen, hepatitis B IGM core antigen, hepatitis E antigen, as well as liver enzymes in human blood, can tell whether a person is suffering from acute infection or not! And if you want to know whether there is a chronic infection or not, you have to check whether hepatitis BIG core antigen, liver enzyme, surface antigen, and E antigen are present in the blood.
There is no separate treatment for it. Prevention is key and can be treated symptomatically.
A great many individuals bite the dust from hepatitis disease consistently. According to a WHO report, about a lot of the people are carriers of chronic hepatitis and 20 percent of these people die of liver cancer and liver failure. So, get the vaccine today. Ask everyone in the family to take it. It is possible to prevent many big dangers in exchange for little money.
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